Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Personal and Family Stories by Gill McCulloch

28 stories

A man and woman standing on a rocky viewpoint in summer with a backdrop of ocean and trees.
A mother in a blue sleeveless dress sits on a nursery floor with her two young children. The older child, dress in pajamas is kissing the top of her baby sister’s head. A wicker crib and white dresser are in the background.
A family of five are picnicking by a lake. There is a white VW camper van in the background.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

This Happened to Me - True stories by Gill McCulloch

51 stories

A man and woman standing on a rocky viewpoint in summer with a backdrop of ocean and trees.
A mother in a blue sleeveless dress sits on a nursery floor with her two young children. The older child, dress in pajamas is kissing the top of her baby sister’s head. A wicker crib and white dresser are in the background.
A family of five are picnicking by a lake. There is a white VW camper van in the background.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

First Aid, Health & Safety Stories by Gill McCulloch

27 stories

A person inserts a nasal spray into a CPR manikin’s nose to demonstrate the administration of adrenaline to a person suffering from anaphylaxis.
A CPR manikin lying face up on a grey floor
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Toxic Drug Crisis and Addiction - Stories by Gill McCulloch

12 stories

A purple and white sports car parked on the side of a road with people in the background.
Small purple flags planted along a tree lined, grass verge on a highway with the lights of approaching cars in the background.
Members of the Tri-Cities Community Action Team are holding black balloons and a big purple sign with the words #End Overdose.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Medium Tips

35 stories

Cup of tea, flowers, and books with the text: Medium Curation Guidelines — in simple words.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

First Aid Quick Tips by Gill McCulloch

5 stories

A Naloxone kit with a black zippered case. Printed on the front is a grey cross with the word Naloxone inside it in white.
A Nitroglycerin bottle, patch and spray sit next to an Aspirin bottle with white pills scattered around.
Drawing of a human head and face with bright lights behind.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Humorous Stories, Poems & Songs by Gill McCulloch

27 stories

A pair of sunglasses with a black frame sits tilted at an angle on a sandy beach, against a background of sun setting over the ocean.
A statue of Winston Churchill in a grassy area surrounded by trees. In the background is a light-colored building and an ornate lamp post.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Poetry by Gill McCulloch

19 stories

Three-green and blue stripy beach chairs on a pebbled beach with glittering waves in the background and a seagull flying by.
Heart-shaped white cloud against a blue sky.
Sandy beach at sunrise. Gentle waves lapping at the shore against a backdrop of clouds
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Life, Learning and Inspirational Stories by Gill McCulloch

23 stories

Three Canadian dollar coins resting in the palm of an adult’s hand
Nicholas Winton in Prague on 10 October 2007, wearing a grey suit, white shirt, tie and glasses.
A person sitting on a rock, looking out high over the clouds at sunset.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Christmas and New Year Stories by Gill McCulloch

6 stories

A person with long white hair sits next to a dog by a cozy fireplace, looking at the moon and stars through a window.
Small gold star suspended above candle flame with black background
An antique metal Chromonica harmonica sitting in a wooden box with a purple internal lining and red trim.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Children's Short Fiction by Gill McCulloch

3 stories

A brown hedgehog looking directly at the camera, walking on grass near a low wooden fence.
A two-crust pie in a silver pie dish on a wooden serving tray.
A group of dogs of different breeds sit in the forest wearing Easter Bunny ears.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Short Fiction by Gill McCulloch

7 stories

An alien traveller wearing a backpack, walking outside with hills in the background.
A dog’s paw rests on top of a woman’s hand, which is resting on top of man’s hand. Man and woman are wearing wedding rings.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Remembrance Day poems and stories by Gill McCulloch

4 stories

Uniformed sentries stand guard at a cenotaph surrounded by Remembrance Day wreaths.
A young girl stands in a field of poppies on a sunny day. She is holding an adult’s hand and reaching out to touch a poppy.
Red poppies growing in a field.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Covid-19 Pandemic Poems and Stories, by Gill McCulloch

3 stories

Child in blue T-Shirt holding hand up in stop gesture, with colourful, cartoon COVID-19 viruses on the palm.
A collection of rocks painted as health care workers wearing blue surgical face masks and colourful caps. The rocks are sitting in a line on a piece of driftwood with forget-me-not flowers in the background.
Gill McCulloch

Gill McCulloch

Friend of Medium

I write about first aid, subjects that move me deeply and situations that make me laugh. Founder, Safe + Sound First Aid Training Ltd.